Vacation in France

Professionals Crew Celebrates

Not everyone can boast of such a startup, though insignificant, but the date. During this period, we have contributed to the development of the labor market have helped make it an open and transparent to applicants and employers. During the year of the CREW on the Internet for more than 12 500 companies from Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries have registered with us, got their own pages with the possibility of a free job posting and resume database access. Weekly they placed on the site over 5500 fresh vacancies. Around 3600 competitors left their resume and a resume service benefited 3389 people. It is worth noting that all companies, resumes and jobs are manually moderated to validation data. Interest to the portal is growing every day as part of employers and job seekers, and by the advertisers.

Now we can offer an audience of more than 100 000 people a month. Peak Portal attendance per day reached in 4000 visitors. We cooperate with major portals employment in Russia (Human Resources in Russia, Jobs 66, The World of Work, Outdoor Omsk), Ukraine (Work and labor work in 2000,, Kazakhstan (, as well as recruitment agencies Kaleidoscope-staff, first staff Alliance, Persona Grata, Key Partners Consulting, Elite-Central Asia recruitment and consulting agency, and many others. But we do not dwell on the spot. Daily Portal is conducting a survey among the visitors to improve services.

In January 2010, has changed the format of data output at the exhibition companies. If before the search next to the names found companies to publish a general description of the company (reduced, often incomprehensible), then now derive direct contact information similar to that printed directories such as Yellow Pages and others. This change allows us to take another step toward a useful infomatsionno-reference web resource for all Internet users. Geolocation module was launched – now the portal system itself can automatically determine the location (city and country) using their IP. There are plans to launch social functions CREW in the portal to facilitate communication between employers and job seekers with the further transition to full-fledged social network "co-workers", further supplement the catalog and the possibility of correcting information by the users. Will be further developed many comments that we receive from our users. A team of professionals CREW Companies are looking for employees, employees of companies looking for work and training opportunities – we invite them into a team of professionals CREW.Missiya – the formation of an open market truda.Tsel – Consolidation of information and the tools for solving human voprosov.Zadacha – get rid of unnecessary routine for selecting personnel. Portal launched July 1, 2009, but already has 120 000 people in attendance per month, and the audience of the portal – it's professionals, university graduates, representatives of Companies to Work For. We offer only quality audience, which will henceforth be able to segment the social and geographical criteria for convenience of advertisers.

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